/ Neap

New England
Airfoil Products.Inc.
/ Neap
Airfoil production supporting
the United States aerospace and defence industry


New England Airfoils Products, Inc (NEAP) is located in Farmington, Connecticut, USA and provides gas turbine products for air, sea and land. The company built its reputation on over 60 years of technology innovation and large volume airfoil production supporting the United States aerospace and defence sectors including NASA and USAF. Today, the 100,000 sqft plus facility with a potential capacity in the hundreds of thousands of parts per year serves the aerospace, defence, marine and industrial gas turbine markets by specializing in tight tolerance machining of engine ready products from nickel based alloys, high temperature stainless steels, titanium and aluminum. The company has the ability to support the entire engine life cycle: development, maturity and legacy by leveraging on concurrent engineering, lean manufacturing, supply chain management and control.


For many decades, New England Aircraft Products (NEAP) company worked under the banner: “We all have PRIDE. “

P rofessionalism in our work
R esponsibility for our own actions
I nterest in improving
D edication to being the best
E ffort towards our goals

Today this sentiment is as true as ever, and serves as the flame that fuels our values in doing the right thing, earning trust for outstanding commitment, working hard each day, every day to improve, and respecting each of our customers’ needs. New England Airfoil Products, Inc.’s quest for continuous improvement and innovation set the ideal ground for stable and long-term customer-supplier partnerships.


New England Airfoil Products, Inc. strives to be a reliable safe supply chain choice for OEM customers seeking volume supply in the strategic sectors of aerospace, marine, defence, and industrial markets.


An extensive list of approvals by industry leading Original Equipment Manufacturers, the site holds a number of industry certifications including AS 9100 Rev. C, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 and NADCAP certification.

Customer Approvals

New England Airfoil Products, Inc. has secured many Customer approvals by compliance with rigorous OEM required processes and controls.

New England Airfoil Products, Inc. (NEAP) roots lay deep in
the American aerospace history.


The history of the company is long and illustrious having transitioned from a small machining company to a large aircraft product manufacturer that provided products for the state of the art aircraft. All the staff at New England Airfoil Products, Inc. are proud of the company's past and its heartfelt mission is to build on its heritage driving forward to a bright future supporting our OEM customers world class products.

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