Pietro Rosa TBM strengthens its relations with Arturo Malignani Technical College seeking for talent for its Italian and American business units
March 9th, 2019

“There are companies that quietly are carriers of high technology that are on our doorstep! One such company is Pietro Rosa TBM a leader in Europe and North America for the production of airfoils for both landbased turbines as well as aero engines. ” Says Giacomo Brusutti Professor of Propulsion Systems at the Arturo Malignani Technical College in Udine.

Frequent visitors to the Pietro Rosa TBM facilities are the students of Arturo Malignani Technical College, on this occasion, the group enjoyed the eye-opening awareness of what this both local and International ‘High Tech’ company can offer the world in the market sectors that it operates in..

The recent signing of Pietro Rosa TBM with the US giant Pratt & Whitney for the production of blades for a variety of turbofan engines that power Airbus and Boeing aircraft in both Civil and Defense applications have rendered the company an even more exciting place to have a career.

The company already sees many Arturo Malignani Technical College Alumni in design, engineering production and other managerial roles within its organization both in Italy and in the USA.

“It was a great pleasure to guide the 4th and 5th-year classes of the college through the various Pietro Rosa TBM facilities on a tour that covered the various aspects of a vertically integrated comply such as Pietro Rosa TBM. The students asked many engaging questions indicating high involvement and interest in the process used to manufacture complex parts. We look forward to welcoming them again for a permanent position in Pietro Rosa TBM or at New England Airfoil Products Inc. in Connecticut USA.” Says Stefano Lorenzini (Chief Operating Officer) who led the visit.

About Pietro Rosa TBM

Pietro Rosa TBM is an international leading manufacturer of compressor airfoils and mission-critical components in the energy, aerospace, oil & gas and marine markets.
The group invests heavily in R&D and innovation and has built up its intellectual property in hot forming, machining, and surface finishing technologies through a solid collaboration with universities and research centers globally. Pietro Rosa TBM has plants in Europe and the USA.

For further information e-mail: media@pietrorosatbm.com