Pietro Rosa TBM, zero accidents awards safety certificate
November 3rd, 2014

MANIAGO – Pietro Rosa TBM has been certified OHSAS 18001 : 2007 (Occupational health and safety assessment series) given by Tuv Italy.

This is the first award in Italy in the field and has made Pietro Rosa TBM the top engineering company for safety records that employs over 250 people. The certification – on a voluntary basis – attests to the application of a system of rules aimed at protecting the safety and health of workers, equivalent to the standards set at the international level. The recognition is the guarantee of ongoing improvement of safety and quality in the workplace, in addition to compliance with the rules in force.
Pietro Rosa TBM and the Occupational Health & Safety Advisory Services (OHSAS) recognize that creating a healthy, safe and supportive environment helps people and organizations to flourish. As such the certifications obtained by Pietro Rosa TBM are aimed at sustainable development of the company, in which all stakeholders (all company employees, customers, suppliers and the environment) have equal value.

About Pietro Rosa TBM

Pietro Rosa TBM is an international leading manufacturer of compressor airfoils and mission-critical components in the energy, aerospace, oil & gas and marine markets.
The group invests heavily in R&D and innovation and has built up its intellectual property in hot forming, machining, and surface finishing technologies through a solid collaboration with universities and research centers globally. Pietro Rosa TBM has plants in Europe and the USA.

For further information e-mail: media@pietrorosatbm.com